When you join
There are many resources to help you implement ELLA
Your preschool will get seven play-based apps in your chosen language, as well as access to ELLA’s private online educator portal. The portal houses support materials, such as a program guide, app overviews, language/cultural background information, and an ELLA brochure for parents and guardians. There are fun, printable resources too. You’ll find posters, templates, props and games that can be used with the children and displayed in your preschool.
Choose your language
The biggest challenge may be deciding which language to learn. There are thirteen on offer, and all are part of the Australian Curriculum.
Look for your Welcome email
Once your application is approved, you will be emailed a Welcome email to help get you up and running. This includes your login details, a program guide, and links to posters and resources.
Links to the EYLF and Australian Curriculum
All the ELLA apps align with the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Australian Curriculum: Languages (Foundation–Year 2). Detailed links are provided in each app guide to assist your programming.
Troubleshoot with us
Your liaison officer is a source of personalised support. The ELLA helpdesk is also available Monday to Friday for technical and educational help.

Device compatibility
ELLA is compatible with these devices